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The Biblical Wild is an interactive bible study for individuals, small groups, neighborhoods, and congregations where we will journey into the wilds of Holy Scripture through daily readings of the Old Testament and Psalms and weekly video reflections presented by the Rt. Rev. Todd Ousley, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Eastern Michigan.



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The Biblical Wild involves a daily reading of scripture. In the first year, it will cover all of the Old Testament and the Psalms. Click on the following links to download reading schedules for your use.

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Week XVIII: I Kings 4-21, Psalms 99-104

As we continue on through Kings, we discover that one one level, the reign of Solomon appears to be prosperous and effective even as the people act in ways that disregard the authority of YHWH.

This week we visit the Christ Enrichment Center in downtown Flint, Michigan; a city marked by the fall of an industry that, like Solomon, once appeared to have it all.

Questions to consider:

1 - In what ways do you affirm God's ultimate rule over your life?

2 - In what ways do you deny God's rule in your life?

Comment below!

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